Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin disease and is the most common type of acne. Acne Vulgaris is caused by the accumulation of sebum in the hair follicles due to the excretion of sebum by the male hormone and the closure of the hair follicle due to abnormal keratinization. This is also called comedo. Since comedo is rich in sebum and is in an anaerobic environment, the lipophilic anaerobic bacterium P. acne proliferates, causing inflammation and pustules. When the inflammation spreads, it becomes a cyst or a nodule, and some scars form. Although it is not a disease that affects the life prognosis, it affects the quality of life due to scar formation in the rest of life.
The causal factors for this disease are clear such as stress, hormonal issues, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia etc. Hence, the guidance of lifestyle is also very important.
Acne Vulgaris is one of the most suitable disease that can be relieved from the Chinese medicine treatment. According to Hashimoto (2017), over 80% of patients had a great benefit from herbal medicine and the underlying conditions were also improved from the treatment.
In our clinic, we use acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine to treat this disease. We also use LED Light Therapy to reduce the inflammation of the acne and repair the skin tissues. The duration of treatment can be varied depending on the conditions. It often takes from three months to a year. If you have acne and want to get rid of acne naturally, Chinese medicine treatment can be a good option to try.
Dr. Claire Unhe Jung (TCM)
Qualified Acupuncturist and Herbalist
The Hills Health Clinic, Acupuncture Clinic in Castle Hill, NSW
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